N1H1 Vaccine what do you think

Something that has been weighing on my mind should I or shouldn't I let my children be vaccinated for N1H1.
I am type of person that gets the routine baby shots and I have gotten my kids the flu shot. The swine flu on the other hand I really don't know much at all.
I am thinking of this for all my kids, but my younger daughter Chloe has Ehlers-Danlos vascular type. So I worry if people with vascular issues should have this or not.
I would like to know everyone's pros and con on this vaccine.
I have found these sites helpful.
a few of my families members (out of twon) have gotten the swine flu and said it's not as bad as the media makes it sound. It's pretty tolerable according to them????
while the CDC says vaccinate vaccinate VACCINATE my OB (i'm 30 weeks pregnant) and my baby girl's pediatrician says to hold off... there just aren't enough studies out there.
The bonbongazette.com and the blog A Moon Worn As If It Had Benn A Shell (elizabethaquino.com i think) had really good arguments about not vaccinating and pros/cons too.
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