Friday, September 11, 2009

Chloe's Baby Years

To tell you the truth I am pretty glad they are over. Don't get me wrong Chloe was a great baby. She hardly ever cried, giggled when she was put to bed. It was all the medical worries and no answers for any of it. I should start off before she came into this world. I was 5 months pregnant and started having a lot of bleeding. It turned out that I had a Placental Abruption. The staff at the hospital was talking to me about the delivery. Pretty much telling me my baby will not make it. To make a long story short and 2 months of bed rest she made it. My little girl that hasn't even entered this world was already more than a miracle to her dad and I. My mid wife did tell me that it was a very high chance she will not be "normal". After 8 hours of the easiest labor I ever had, I delivered a what seem to be a healthy baby girl. I was now the mother of 2 little girls now. About a week after she was born, she had to have some blood test done and her white blood count indicated leukemia. Leukemia you got to be kidding me! After all we went though to get her here! A few weeks later the test was done again and the WBC was fine. Hmmmm interesting. Soon after that she developed reflux. She would spit up like a normal baby, but this had some shooting power! She would shoot is across the room. Then can chronic diarrhea. The doctor had ordered a poop sample to be taken. Yes gross, but easy enough..... you would think. I could not take this out of the diaper that wasn't good enough. They wanted me to tape a bag to her butt. Never thought in a million years I would have to something like that! That test came back fine. By this time the doctor seem to be at the end of his wits and wanted her tested for Cystic Fibrosis. At the time I did not own a computer. I had heard of Cystic Fibrosis but I didn't know what it was. I had ask my cousin to look it up. She was pretty scared to tell me what it was. So there we were again and being tested for something that going to change our life's. The test said no thank God! Along that whole way Chloe had 4 or 5 upper GI's before she was a year old. The medical world was turning up nothing. Up to now Chloe has had 2 eeg's a handful of echo's EKG's, MRI's and a MRA. Like I said earlier in my blog I had her tested for EDS when she was 3 years old. So was her baby years was it EDS? I may never know.


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